What is Tiv?
We love to create but managing it all can be brutal.
Creating folders, sticking to naming conventions, versioning, managing assets, backing up, clearing space, worrying about what happens if your back up fails or if you lose it, on and on... its all the worst.
We had enough. So we set about creating a tool that would help. We build Tiv.
An agnostic platform that allows you to effortlessly manage your files locally and in the cloud without being tied down to some other guys system.

Tiv is a tool that let’s you organize, package and distribute your content; giving you ownership of your IP
How it Works
Tiv lets you create audio and video projects together or separately.
The simple interface lets you manage all your projects on your local drive by creating dated folders and naming files for you.
Easily find media for projects months ago. Clear your hard drive by keeping backups in the cloud.

Never create a folder again

A named and dated folder is created on your local drive
Your file is renamed with an ID so you can always find it!!

What Does it Do?
Automatically create organized, dated folders on your local drive
Track and find assets easily through the UI
Backup your raw and finished assets in the cloud
Push videos to directly to YouTube from the app
Generate podcast MRSS feeds
Work collaboratively, people can download and upload to your project
Log in from anywhere
Upload and download assets from anywhere
Create a searchable directory of all your media assets
Track performance across multiple platforms